  • 2022
  • 4,039 sf
  • City of Tifton
Construction Delivery Method
  • Design/Bid/Build

Services Provided
  • Programming & Design

  • Bidding & Negotiations
  • Construction Administration

Matt Wilson Neighborhood YMCA and YDC for City of Tifton

McCall Architecture worked with the City of Tifton and South Georgia Regional Commission to secure a CDBG Grant to partially fund this Project.  Construction should begin summer of 2021 and conclude mid-2022.  This new Matt Wilson Neighborhood YMCA and Youth Development Center will be equipped to accommodate the Tift area YMCA’s after-school and summer feeding/care programs for children and youth and will also provide space for Southern Regional Technical College to conduct education and literacy programs for adults in this low to moderate income area of Tifton, Georgia.  This facility will significantly benefit these citizens, as there are currently no adequate facilities for programs such as these in this target area.