- 2005
- 47,488 sf
- 208 beds in pod
- 66 beds in Work Release Facility and Booking
- Liberty County Commission
Construction Delivery Method
Services Provided
Programming & Design
- Bidding & Negotiations
Construction Administration
Liberty County Jail
The renovation portion of this project focused on administrative areas while the new addition included a new two-story cell pod, work release building, and low-security barracks for prisoners who commit misdemeanor crimes and are incarcerated on the weekend.
The renovated administrative building features:
- Offices for the Sheriff’s Department
- Records and evidence storage
- Central control
- Visitation and booking areas
- Holding and isolation cells
- Kitchen facilities
The facility was master planned for the addition of another pod in the future. When all phases of the project are completed, the facility will be able to house more than 400 prisoners.